© Jesper Ahlin Marceta 2025
If there is one constant in liberalism, it may be the recognition that there is no liberal ”truth” that has been found and can be universally applied. Liberalism must change. That is what it does.
If there is one constant in liberalism, it may be the recognition that there is no liberal ”truth” that has been found and can be universally applied. Liberalism must change. That is what it does.
The American revolution is one of the most significant events in modern history, and I have always felt too uninformed about it. Alan Taylor’s book offers a comprehensive yet accessible introduction. It reads like a novel and sticks like honey.
Det moraliska försvaret av ägande- och marknadsprinciper är ett ständigt återkommande diskussionsämne inom liberalismen. Jag ger i essän “Ett humeanskt försvar av äganderätter” ett försvar av äganderätter med rötter i filosofen David Humes etik.
Liberals in particular should read it, as it shows how some of our most important political opponents think. Why Liberalism Failed furthers an understanding not of the ”failure of liberalism,” but of the rise of 21th century conservatism.