© Jesper Ahlin Marceta 2025
I am split about this book. On the one hand I learned a lot about fascism from reading it, on…
I am split about this book. On the one hand I learned a lot about fascism from reading it, on…
Facebookgruppen “Bensinupproret 2.0” har i skrivande stund 399 425 medlemmar, vilket är nästan dubbelt så många som det var när filosofen…
Feminist philosopher Kate Manne’s book Down Girl is written to make a real difference. It contributes to the philosophical and…
På den engelskspråkiga versionen av Wikipedia finns en artikel som listar selfierelaterade dödsfall. Medelåldern hos dem som har dött medan…
If there is one constant in liberalism, it may be the recognition that there is no liberal ”truth” that has been found and can be universally applied. Liberalism must change. That is what it does.
Jag recenserade förra året ekonomen och välfärdsforskaren Andreas Berghs bok Två filter: Varför du har fel om nästan allt, men…
The American revolution is one of the most significant events in modern history, and I have always felt too uninformed about it. Alan Taylor’s book offers a comprehensive yet accessible introduction. It reads like a novel and sticks like honey.
What is the role of utopian thinking in politics? We can think of an ideal society such as, e.g., communism…
Genusvetenskapen har under en tid fått mycket – i min mening oförtjänt – kritik i den politiska debatten. Det har…
Is there progress in philosophy? Pessimists argue that philosophers have debated their favorite questions—is there a free will? what is…