© Jesper Ahlin Marceta 2025
Ny forskningsartikel om att på metodologiskt sunda grunder utvärdera olika modeller av människan.
Författare, skribent och redaktör. Intresserad av liberalismens tänkande. Fil.dr. i filosofi.
Ny forskningsartikel om att på metodologiskt sunda grunder utvärdera olika modeller av människan.
The conflicting interests of employers and employees are central to political theory and practice. In her book Private Government, philosopher Elizabeth Anderson argues that firms—literally—are private governments. Bosses in firms govern workers. Employees are subjected to arbitrary dominance, which negatively affects their freedom. Regardless of whether one agrees with this description, the underlying analysis should be recognized as valid. According to Anderson, the ideal of a free market society used to be left-wing. Egalitarians in the 17th through 19th centuries pictured a world of self-employed individuals, or individuals in small family-owned businesses, as an alternative to monopolies run by states,…
This post was first published on the website Transforming Evidence (May 7, 2020), which now appears to have gone offline. I was asked to write it after the journal Evidence & Policy had published my article “The Evidence-based Policy Movement and Political Idealism”. The article is selected by the journal’s editors as one of three articles to be made available for open access until January 31, 2021. A summary of the article is available in Swedish here. So-called evidence-based policy idealists consider themselves as ideologically neutral in all matters but one. Their only political view is that public policymaking should…
Monash Bioethics Review 38(1), 1–14