I am also on Google Scholar, PhilPeople, ResearchGate, and ORCiD.
2019 — Ph.D. Philosophy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
2015 — M.A. Practical philosophy, Uppsala University
2013 — B.A. Practical philosophy, Linköping University
Academic employments
2020-21 — Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Law, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
2015-20 — Graduate fellow, Division of Philosophy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
2018-19 — Editorial assistant, Theoria
2014-15 — Teaching assistant, Division of Philosophy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Political philosophy and applied ethics in general. Personal autonomy (authenticity, decision-making capacity, voluntariness, informed consent), liberalism (individualism, ideal and non-ideal theory), and libertarianism (self-ownership) in particular.
Peer-reviewed articles
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2023). The Definition, Extent, and Justification of Academic Freedom. International Journal of Applied Philosophy 36(2), 191–211.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2023). Constructing the Abstract Individual. Erkenntnis 88, 951–964.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2023). An Individualist Theory of Meaning. The Journal of Value Inquiry 57, 41–58.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2022). Does Libertarian Self-Ownership Protect Freedom? De Ethica 7(1), 19–30.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2022). The Usefulness of Concepts as a Methodological Point of Reference in Applied Ethics. Metaphilosophy 53(1), 45–52.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2021). Individualism Under Constraining Social Norms: Conceptualizing the Lived Experiences of LGBT persons. Avant. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 12(1), 1–22.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2021). Authenticity and Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Reply to Ahlzén. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24(4), 543–546.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2021). Respect the Author: a Research Ethical Principle for Readers. Journal of Academic Ethics 19, 175–185.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2021). The Evidence-Based Policy Movement and Political Idealism. Evidence & Policy 17(3), 525–534.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2020). Resolved and Unresolved Bioethical Authenticity Problems. Monash Bioethics Review 38(1), 1–14.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2019). A Non-Ideal Authenticity-Based Conceptualization of Personal Autonomy. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22(3), 387–395.
Ahlin, J. (2018). What Justifies Judgments of Inauthenticity? HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum 30(4), 361–377.
Ahlin, J. (2018). The Impossibility of Reliably Determining the Authenticity of Desires: Implications for Informed Consent. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21(1), 43–50.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2021). Vi är alla individualister. Timbro förlag.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2019). Authenticity in Bioethics: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (doctoral thesis). KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Ahlin, J. (2017). Personal Autonomy and Informed Consent: Conceptual and Normative Analyses (licentiate thesis). KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Book reviews
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2020). David C. Rose, Why Culture Matters Most. The Journal of Value Inquiry 54(1), 151–153.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2019). En spekulativ, och därför tyvärr inte övertygande, förklaring till vad som leder till framgångsrika samhällen. Ekonomisk Debatt 47(6), 63–65.
Ahlin, J. (2018). Två filter – en bok om kognitiva missbeteenden och om världens viktigaste fråga. Ekonomisk Debatt 46(4), 87–90.
Ahlin, J. (2017). Siedentop, Larry, 2014. Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism. London: Penguin Books. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 119(2), 335–337.
Ahlin, J. (2015). Joseph H. Carens The Ethics of Immigration. Theoria 81(4), 380–384.
Other publications (selection)
Ahlin Marceta, J., & Juth, N. (2022). Personal autonomy: From practice to theory. Theoria 88(6), 1063–1065.
Ahlin Marceta, J. (2020). Om förutsättningarna för en liberal feminism. In Hadley-Kamptz, I. (Ed.). Feminism – en antologi (pp. 159–88). Timbro förlag.
Ahlin, J. (2018). Politisk filosofi idag: Intervju med Elena Namli, professor i teologisk etik vid teologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi 22(1), 13–19.
Ahlin, J. (2018). Värdepluralism och rättvisa: David Schmidtz. In Krassén, P. (Ed.). Ny Liberalism (pp. 75–106). Timbro förlag.
Ahlin, J. (2017). Politisk filosofi idag: Intervju med Åsa Burman, lektor i praktisk filosofi vid Stockholms universitet och forskare vid Institutet för framtidsstudier. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi 21(3), 29–36.
Ahlin, J. (2017). Politisk filosofi idag: Intervju med Marcus Agnafors, filosofie doktor i praktisk filosofi och lektor vid Högskolan i Borås. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi 21(1), 33–43.
Ahlin, J. (2016). Förord. In Butler, E. Klassisk liberalism. En introduktion (Svensson, M. Trans.). (pp. 11–22). Timbro förlag.
Ethics of AI Use in the Public Sector, moderator, 2021.
Climate Ethics, co-organized with Anna Wedin, 2017.
Libertarianism in Political Philosophy, co-organized with William Bülow, 2016.
Affirmative Self-Reflection as Authenticity: Problems and Possibilities. Bioethics and Political Philosophy: Nordic Perspectives – Workshop on Autonomy. Stockholm, Sweden, 2019.
Meeting the Moral Denialist: Teaching Ethics to Someone Who Does Not Want to be Taught Ethics. Eighth Cambridge Consortium for Bioethics Education. Paris, France, 2018.
Autenticitet i praktiken. Autonomi i teori och praktik: Ett seminarium med filosofer och psykiatrer. Stockholm, Sweden, 2018.
Scrutinizing the Normative Ontology of Principlism. Methods in Applied Ethics. Trondheim, Norway, 2018.
The Impossibility of Reliably Determining the Authenticity of Desires: Implications for Informed Consent. The Philosophy Days. Uppsala, Sweden, 2017.
Is Libertarianism a Thing? Problems of Libertarian Self-Ownership. Workshop on Libertarianism in Political Philosophy. Stockholm, Sweden, 2016.
Invited reviewer for Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, and Social Theory and Practice.
Research ethics, bioethics, normative ethics, engineering ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of science.
Invited lecturer
Uppsala University, Karolinska Institutet, Jönköping University, Mälardalen University.
Main course responsibilities
2017-20 — Ethics of Biotechnology (co) (1st cycle)
2017-19 — Ethics of Medical Technology (2nd cycle)
2016-19 — Introduction to Research Ethics (2nd & 3rd cycle)
2016-19 — Advanced Course in Research Ethics (2nd & 3rd cycle)
Postdoctoral research
The Swedish Institute awarded me a one-year postdoctoral research grant to study individualism and LGBT issues in Georgia. The project was hosted by the Faculty of Law at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Doctoral education
My PhD was funded by the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life through the research project Ethical Aspects of Person-centred Care. I visited Sciences Po (Paris, France) for one month in 2018 and was granted an apartment at the Swedish Institute during my stay.